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A close-up of a student holding a stress ball in his hands during a counseling session

咨询服务 增强学生的情感, 社会与智力发展, 提供咨询, 项目开发和学生教育, 教职员工. We provide preventative mental health outreach programs for all of the university in the belief that concerns can be addressed before they become a problem for the individual or the community.

Our mission is to offer counseling services to students experiencing adjustment and psychological difficulties and to support the BSU community to help a diverse student population achieve academic and personal success.

保密是必要的. Counseling is confidential because therapy is most effective when a student can be direct and honest with a counselor, 不用担心个人信息会被泄露.



  • •焦虑、自我怀疑或抑郁的感觉
    •    Seeking support related to sociocultural identity or experiences of bias


咨询服务是由学生的学费支付的 免费提供给北京州立大学所有学生. Those students who wish to use outside mental health providers should consult their health insurance coverage for mental health services.

A student smiles while talking on her cell phone; text says: Uwill, student mental health & wellness. 当你需要倾诉的时候,我们就在你身边.

Uwill 是我们校园咨询中心的完美补充吗, 尤其是那些需要课后和周末辅导班的学生, 或者用他们喜欢的语言进行会话. 这并不能取代我们传统的咨询服务, but will allow additional coverage and access for students with scheduling conflicts, or who prefer to try teletherapy treatment through this efficient online scheduling platform.

除了远程治疗的解决方案, registering for the free Uwill service will grant you access to a host of great self help videos, 包括一些关于管理压力和焦虑的内容, 睡眠,甚至学业上的繁荣.

开始ladbrokes立博中文版 Uwill门户 用你的BSU邮箱注册. You'll be able to connect with a clinician based on several preferences and schedule availability.


BSU熊队现在正经历一段艰难的时期, which is why we have chosen to partner with with a company providing virtual peer-to-peer mental health and wellbeing support: Togetherall.

Togetherall’s online community is clinically moderated by mental health professionals, 并为学生提供了一个安全、匿名的地方来表达他们的想法, 关注与成功. Students are able to draw strength and insights from peers that have real lived experiences, 以及ladbrokes立博中文版一系列的自我导向, clinically validated tools to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.

WellTrack Boost标志

Welltrack提高 是一个免费的资源,对所有北外学生开放吗. 它可以帮助你理解你的压力感受, 焦虑和/或抑郁, 并教你一些技巧来减少这些感觉. Welltrack提高 is a self-guided and interactive way to manage your mental wellbeing.

要注册一个帐户,请下载Welltrack提高应用程序 苹果应用商店 or Google Play商店 并使用您的@student注册.bridgew.Edu邮箱地址.




All registered ladbrokes立博中文版 students are eligible for an initial consultation appointment with a counselor at 咨询服务. 有些学生只需要一次预约. Those students who need or desire follow-up sessions are seen on a short-term basis (typically 1-12 sessions) at 咨询服务 or they are referred off campus for follow-up counseling.

We provide counseling to individuals and to heterosexual, same sex, and transgendered couples. Counseling sessions will be provided at a maximum of one session each week.


Each semester 咨询服务 offers a number of therapy and support groups about a variety of topics.


咨询服务 provides workshops and presentations on various mental health and wellness topics for students, 组织, 工作人员, 教师和其他校园团体. 我们的员工会就各种话题发表演讲,包括压力管理, 关系问题, 饮食问题, 药物滥用, 性取向与大学生活的适应. We are always open to suggestions and will work with you to develop a presentation that meets your club or organization's need.


所有的咨询服务都是保密的. 咨询服务 工作人员 takes its policy on confidentiality extremely seriously. 无论谁打电话询问学生或校友的信息, the answer is always something like this: “We are not allowed to disclose any information about students without a written release of information from that student. Therefore, we are not even able to tell you whether a person has ever sought services here.”

That means that students can seek services with the confidence that no one will know their business unless the student gives his or her permission for the counselor to release information. 这一政策只有三个例外.


The first involves safety: If a student discloses to a counselor that he or she feels like they cannot prevent themselves from killing or seriously harming themselves or another person, 辅导员可能需要打破保密协议. That doesn't mean that students can’t talk about suicidal feelings or thoughts of rage. It’s just that if a person feels these things to such extremes that they can’t control themselves from acting out, their counselor may need to break confidentiality to protect a person from harm.

Another exception to the policy is when the student tells the counselor about someone being abused who is either under age 18, 65岁以上或其他需要赡养的成年人. 在这些情况下, the counselor is mandated by law to disclose that information to the Massachusetts Department of Social Services.

The final exception to the policy is when a judge requires a counselor to turn over records to a court of law. This is rare and only occurs when students are involved in some sort of legal proceedings such as custody cases and law suits.


Our policy about confidentiality is based on state law and the ethics of the counseling profession. We believe strongly that students should be aware of how these policies work before they begin counseling. 这被称为客户的知情同意. Counselors talk with students about these and other related issues in their first session.




